Rik Brooks

Spring training Day 3

Rik Brooks
Spring training  Day 3

Hello my loyal disciples! Creating momentum has been a major factor for this week’s success. Over the next two weeks I am going to be tightening up my diet, once I am in a good groove with that, I plan on revamping the Church of the Chubby challenge and attempting it again! 

Run Length: 2.3

Total: miles ran 4.6

Goal: 6.0miles 


Breakfast: egg noodle casserole 12.oz

Lunch:1Stuffed bell pepper with cream cheese, pepper jack cheese and ham

Snack: 6 Oz of BBQ chicken 


Incline dumbbell bench press 4x8 

Machine chest press 2x8

Seated dumbbell shoulder press 2x8

Incline dumbbell front raise 2x8

Ez bar skull crusher 2x8

Double arm triceps kick-back 2x8